Class Of 1964 USAF Academy


Long before there was such a thing as “the spirit hill” on the quadrangle at the Academy, the class of ’64 created their own “spirit hill”. Well before Recognition Week, many in the class wanted to do something that would set us apart and make a statement about our class spirit. Much of the initial planning went on through the Dance Committee, which was one of the few Doolie organizations that had representatives from all the squadrons. It enabled us to do the general planning for a mass breakout from the cadet area very early on the morning of Recognition Day. Details were left to each squadron, but some of the activities included a run to the rock under our own guidance without any upperclassmen harassing us on the way. There were many other activities that the individual squadrons participated in but the final demonstration of our spirit as the class of ’64 was to gather en masse on the hill behind the Chapel as reveille sounded. Not all of our classmates made it out of the dorm, but those that did assembled on the hill with chants of " ‘64, ‘64."

Who knew at the time that one of our legacies of the spirit we demonstrated as a class would be carried on. The small hill in the southeast corner of the grass area of the quadrangle is now officially known as “The Spirit Hill” and is used to demonstrate both class and squadron spirit.
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