Las Vegas AOG


I'm thrilled to announce that my book, The Harder I Fall, The Higher I Bounce is officially out!

The culmination of over several years' worth of blood (those paper cuts hurt!), sweat, and tears have come together in a magnificent milestone for me.

After pouring my heart and soul onto these pages, my editor over at Made for Success only made it better by cutting out quite a bit of my ramblings! If you haven't noticed, I tend to be a bit long winded and overly verbose.

I truly feel you will enjoy this read. Growing up on a farm with a loving and supportive, but also strong-minded father, the virtue of a hard day's work was instilled in me from a very young age. Through my experiences on the farm, the Air Force Academy, the Vietnam War, and more, I forged an unshakeable ethos that propelled me into becoming a very successful entrepreneur.

The Harder I Fall, The Higher I Bounce is my story of my life, both humorous and heart-wrenching, that taught me lasting life lessons about relationships, personal fulfillment, and success in business.

It has been said that life is the best teacher, and The Harder I Fall certainly makes a compelling case for the truth in that statement.

Here are just a few comments that I have gotten so far:

"I love how Max demonstrates the rewards of overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles. He fought through tremendous disappointments to succeed not only in business but also to become a world-class philanthropist. He is an MVP in the entrepreneurial arena."
-Steve Young, NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback

"This is a fascinating book and should be on the reading list of every young aspiring entrepreneur. Max vividly captures his early experiences as a cadet at the Air Force Academy and how they shaped and guided him for a very successful business career years later. With a good deal of humor and humility, he describes how failures in life, if honestly recognized, can be a powerful learning tool ultimately leading to success in whatever endeavor one chooses."
-Harry Pearce, Vice Chairman of General Motors (Retired)

the book is now available in physical, audiobook, and eBook formats. See below for the link to go grab your copy today!




Wishing You Well,

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