Remembering Dean Phelps


Jim Glaza

Some of you may remember that Dean was medically discharged from our class following his suffering a detached retina during his T33 orientation ride.

I personally remember Dean for providing the transportation (a brand new Olds 98) from Dearborn Michigan to Tulagi’s in Boulder two days before we reported to the Academy in 56. We made that trip in 21 hours including all stops, averaging 71 mph on country roads (there was no interstate then, remember?) and never saw a policeman. The objective of targeting Tulagi’s, successfully achieved, was to prove that you could indeed get drunk on 3.2 beer!

Following his medical discharge, Dean, a Mensa member, graduated from the University of Cincinnati and began a long career in radio management and sales. Ultimately, reflecting his lifelong interest in art, he began dealing in antiques. In his latter role he donated significant items to the Special Collections Branch at the Academy Library.

Some of you may remember Dean and his wife Denise from the 50th reunion. That was the only reunion they attended and both were delighted to be included. Besides Denise, he is survived by two children and two grandchildren. . . . Dean was 82.